Przykładowa czcionka TT Cometus TRIAL #1

Informacje o pliku czcionki:

  • Wersja:Version 1.000.12102022TT-Cometus-Regular-TTwebKit
  • Znak towarowy:TT Cometus is trademark of TypeType LLC.
  • Firma:TypeType
  • Projektant:Designed by Yulia Gonina, Anna Tikhonova. Technical designers Ivan Gladkikh, Yuriy Nako, Victor Rubenko.
  • Krótki opis:TT Cometus includes 5 fonts, 568 glyphs in each font, 18 OpenType features , support for more than 175+ languages (Basic Latin, Extended Latin, etc.) and much more. This font is intended for use only on website and cannot be used in personal or commercial projects.
  • URL:
  • Licencja:This font is intended for use only on website and cannot be used in personal or commercial projects.
  • Adres URL licencji: