Czcionka Rever

Przykładowa czcionka Rever #1
Przykładowa czcionka Rever #2
Przykładowa czcionka Rever #3
Przykładowa czcionka Rever #4
Przykładowa czcionka Rever #5
  • Licencja: Płatna czcionka
  • Wsparcie językowe: Cyrylica, łacina
  • Author: ParaType
  • Tagi: ,

Informacje o pliku czcionki:

  • Wersja:1.000
  • Znak towarowy:Rever is a trademark of the ParaType, Inc.
  • Firma:Paratype Ltd
  • Projektant:Alexander Smirnov
  • Krótki opis:Rever is an experimental typeface by a young designer Sasha Smirnov. It clearly alludes to 19th century typefaces with reverse contrast, but still the character shapes are as simple and geometric as possible. Rever answers the question What can a reverse-contrast typeface look like today? Its set of styles is non-traditional: in addition to a regular one, there are also an oblique (slanted to the left, not to the right!) and a stencil styles. The typeface can work for typographic experiments of any kind -- web, print or motion design. The font was released by Paratype in 2019.
  • URL: