Przykładowa czcionka Octava #1
  • Licencja: Płatna czcionka
  • Wsparcie językowe: Cyrylica, łacina
  • Author: ParaType
  • Tagi: , ,

Informacje o pliku czcionki:

  • Wersja:001.000
  • Znak towarowy:Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.
  • Firma:ParaType Inc
  • Krótki opis:Designed at ParaType in 2000 by Vladimir Yefimov. The first (Cyrillic only) version named Scriptura Russica (1996) consisting of three styles (Book, Italic, Bold) was commissioned by the Russian Bible Society. Lately the Latin letters and Bold Italic were added. Inspired by Lectura, 1969, by Dick Dooijes and Stone Print, 1991, by Sumner Stone. With large x-height the typeface is both space saving and quite legible in small sizes. Expert fonts including small caps (Book) and old style figures are available.