Czcionka DIN Condensed

Przykładowa czcionka DIN Condensed #1
Przykładowa czcionka DIN Condensed #2
Przykładowa czcionka DIN Condensed #3
Przykładowa czcionka DIN Condensed #4
Przykładowa czcionka DIN Condensed #5

Informacje o pliku czcionki:

  • Wersja:1.004
  • Firma:ParaType Ltd
  • Projektant:Tagir Safayev
  • Krótki opis:Designed at ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1997 by Tagir Safayev. Based on a condensed style of DIN type family (Linotype Staff designers). That is a group of sans serif faces made to conform to the German Industrial Standard. Based on geometric style, they vary in width but not in weight. Light style was added in 2014 by Manvel Schmavonyan.
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